All about the lips

Why are lips so important? What is the big deal? Is it just a fad? Will the “big” lip trend change and we will all regret having dermal filler in our lips? Will the lips go back to their original size once dissolved?

These are common questions I am asked about lips all the time. What IS the big deal about lips? The lips are the focal point of the face (along with the eyes). We look at each other’s eyes and lips when we speak to each other. The mouth is also the most sensual part of the face and fuller (not necessarily bigger) lips are associated with youth and desire.

Lip filler is definitely trending at the moment and we are seeing some very strange lips and lip trends.

Personally, I am excited about this focus on lips. A lot of ageing lips do need a touch of filler and lip size and volume can be manipulated to suit the facial shape and length.

But it is also important to work with the existing anatomy and dimensions of the individual face and that is why there is no cookie cutter fix or treatment or size for lips.

An experienced injector will provide exactly that. My job is not to just stick a needle in your face but to actually assess and offer expert advice that is tailored to your personal and unique beauty.

Lips treated with dermal filler will rarely ever go back to their original shape and volume (unless very small volumes were injected to begin with), so I think building the shape and size slowly is the way to go. It allows the tissue to expand slowly and reduces the risk of filler bleeds (which I will explain in another post).

That is all for this blog. I will write about lip filler migration/bleed/overfilling next.





